Saturday, July 4, 2015

"Freedom" in the Middle

Hello Friends,

I am sitting here enjoying my 10th cup of morning coffee and it dawned on me that it is fitting that 4th of July is my first day off  after a whirlwind of non-stop work. I have been working on "freedom" since January and today marks a huge milestone in that whole project. 

In January I left my career of 14 years to go find freedom. Freedom from corporate, freedom from middle management, freedom to have the time to do more of what I love. Freedom to be happy. So I sit here and smile that our nations independence day falls on a personal "independence" day of my very own. The universe has a sense of humor for sure.

As I was reflecting on this little coincidence, it dawned on me that for myself and many others I know, it would appear that the chase of freedom is the project of life. I have been working towards freedom ever since I have been breathing. Freedom to make my own choices and grow out of childhood. Freedom to make bad decisions. Freedom from addictions. Freedom to slow down. Freedom to grow. Freedom to make ends meet in the middle. 

Sometimes I feel like that is all I freedom. 
Malcolm X is attributed to saying "No one can give you freedom". I love that. I find that to be true more and more as the days pass. I have never met anyone that wrapped freedom up with a bow and gave it to me. Freedom for me has come through work...lots and lots of work and time. It's come through making decisions, good and bad.  

Today I am grateful that I can pursue work that I love since I have affordable freedom in obtaining health insurance for my daughter. I am grateful that today I woke up and am healthy and don't have to take a drink to stop the shakes or stick a needle in my arm to get out of bed. Today I am grateful that through chasing freedom I have made a ton of mistakes and have been allowed to walk through the consequences of those. I am grateful for the freedom to share these things with my fellow humans and not feel shame and guilt. 

Today, on Independence day let us show one another some freedom. 

Freedom to say what we think and not be chastised. Freedom to love who we want. Freedom to be ridiculous. Freedom to dance and sing and create chaos. 
Give yourself freedom. Freedom to take a break. Freedom to do something different. Freedom to make a decision. Freedom to go explore.

I wish all of you that kind of freedom. Freedom from your head, freedom to follow your heart. Freedom to make mistakes and keep going. Freedom to love and be loved. Freedom to let people and things go. True freedom...the kind of freedom that "no one can give you".

One Love,