Tuesday, February 24, 2015



I could NOT sleep last night! I know you all can relate.....and if you can't I am jealous! Some of you may know that I have recently left my 14 year career in the financial industry to pursue.....well......things. It was a tough decision, and while the outcome is still unknown I have been able to devote time to some of those things that only received half my attention over the last decade or so. 
In any case, last night the thought "you should start a blog!!!" kept me up forever. So in the spirit of trying to follow that little voice (or in my case that crazy woman who shows up at bedtime like a drunken roommate who wants to tell you all about her wild adventures...past, current and future, in the most obnoxious voice possible)here it is......my new blog. 

First on the list of things to do was SoapSociety. I recently took the plunge and went from a sole proprietor to an LLC.....feeling kind of official!

(P.S. if you haven't been to my Etsy store in awhile head over and check it out.....lots of new stuff going on!)Use the link below!



What I have learned so far from this process is that my delusion of ever coming to a place in business that requires less paperwork is just that....a delusion. Good thing I make a to-do list every morning and have for years so I felt pretty good about checking all those boxes. 

Next was to get back in touch with my body. Years of corporate and office settings left me disconnected with my physical self. I have had episodes of regular Yoga, hiking, walking...etc....but alas...they always fell back on the "to-do" side of the list instead of the done. 
I have been making a conscious effort to get outside and move my body everyday. Armed with the "you are on a sabbatical of sorts....you have no excuses" mantra and I must say the results have been amazing....not two piece swimsuit amazing...but more like.....I dig this whole being outside thing amazing......

I will spare you the incessant ramblings of all the other things that made it on the even longer "to-do" list but I would like to invite you all, old friends and new to follow me along in this life that always seems to lead to a "middle"........(more on that whole thing later!)

Stop by often and feel free to leave comments!

One love,

That hand on my shoulder belongs to a guy you probably will hear about.....my famous...or infamous father...but since he is a little shy we will have to see if he gives me consent to post his full physique.....HA! 

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